Traditional Marketing
Public Relations
TSB has partnered with several Public Relations practitioners. As part of a strategic communications plan, public relations would include a proactive campaign of messaging, media relations, community relations, and stakeholder relations. With any campaign, we’ll recommend the best practitioner for you to help you develop your message and leverage any media relations.
Media Buying
TSB has partnered with several media buying practitioners to create and develop media strategies and build upon your current success. We help develop an updated plan for approval and then go into the execution phase.
By reaching out to media, traditional and non-traditional sources for best media buys based on budget to include value-added. We will use our “buying power” during the negotiation phase. Value-added may include but is not limited to script writing, TV shoots, voice talent, radio ads, and celebrity spokesperson(s) at “no charge”. The next phase finalizes art, scripts, concepts, and media buy and placement including value-added. Translate if necessary with a quality check. Prepare and submit a media spreadsheet.
The last phase is the quality check on value-added and checking affidavits of media reports against contracts. We will prepare and review reports with the client. Additionally, we evaluate campaigns against goals and objectives also known as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).